Rachael + Layla Mother Daughter Session

Today I was able to reunite with my old friend Rachael.

I met her years ago, way before she had her adorable daughter you see here. We became friends through church, and I really just remember how I could never stop laughing around this girl. It had been years since I’d seen her.

Today we met back up to take photos of her with her beautiful daughter Layla in Carmel. I was so excited to see Layla bounce out of their car-all smiles- ready for our photoshoot! ↓

It was still a bit muddy out from the rain, but thankfully Rachael brought a blanket to lay down for them to sit on for some shots. Layla was such a trooper for this shoot and even though she was a bit chilly I think some cuddles with her mom made it alright.

Layla is really a mini-Rachael and copies everything she does- which made for some adorable shots. ↓

It’s always so fun taking photos with friends and these two were amazing in front of the camera. I loved visiting with Rachael, and getting to see what a great mom she is. I think you can see in these photos how happy Layla is to just snuggle and love on her mom.


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Beauty Aligned Esthetics Promotional Shoot